Thursday, June 19, 2008

6/19 Thursday

1. The M's fired J-Mac today. No big surprise there. But I want to declare my new position on #51. He's still on the grilling list because I have resolved that he will never be traded but he needs to be more selfish. YES MORE SELFISH!!! He needs to be the Lebron James of the MLB. Here are 3 things that he needs to do tomorow:

1. Call up Mr. Y and tell him exactly what he wants the team to do at the deadline.
2. Tell Riggleman exactly what he wants to be done about the line up
3. Start doing press conferences without a translator right beside him

If Ichiro does that then the should improve within 5 games. Ichiro needs to accept the responsiblity as a star player and favorite of management to make this team not only better but his.

2. NSM you still suck!!! ENOUGH WITH THE TIGER WOODS BS!!!!

3. Politics now people. Barack Obama's wife Michelle was on the View this week. I watched H+C when Matt Hasselback's brother's hot wife was on and she basically admitted that she softballed Obama. I don't think that the wives of candidates should be held up to the same standard as their husbands but still she should've been asked about her comments on her pride in America.

4. The NSM is again stupid!!! They really don't know about Seattle or anything outside the Chicago, NY, Boston, LA and San Fran. The M's are shopping Bedard and should seriously look at Ken Griffey for LF and Coco Crisp for CF that would result in a pretty darn good outfield and the M's would beable to improve there lineup. The M's could also look to get Rick Ankiel from STL. He'd offer good power and he knows a little about turning disasters around.

5. I am a Trekkie for sure and I watched an episode of Voyager last night that was vexing. It was the one about the Q civil war. Now, The rebellious Q the ones that were all about individualism and liberty were wearing Union uniforms. may I say WTF!!! That is counter intuitive because they also used the burning of Atlanta as a metaphor for the war between the Q. Capt. Janeway even went so far as to say that the TNG Q was "on the losing side." Now as most Americans with 2nd grade schooling know that we were losing when Sherman raped and burned Atlanta. Now inorder to have a correct metaphor or allusion the TNG Q should've been in our uniform. But then again that wouldn't have served the writters revisionist history. Just my two cents about Star Trek and the Civil War.

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