Wednesday, June 18, 2008

6/18 Wednesday

1. The M's won today!!!! But there still needs to be major changes in the Clubhouse. Ichiro and Bedard need to be traded

and Sexson needs to be DFA. I read an interesting blog post on the Seattle PI's site that basically said that Ichiro has very little trade value to most of the league. The reasoning was that he makes power hitter green ($19 million) while only hitting singles (with that happening less this year than any other). That is an extremely good point. I think that AL pitchers have just figured him out. They know that he dislikes walks and is a sucker for the outside pitch. He has no power threat so they can pitch to him inside or directly over the plate and not have to worry about giving up a HR.

2. The national sports media is a joke. 3 things dominated the headlines today:

1. Willie Randoulph's 12:15 am axing

2. NBA finals (as it should)

3. Stupid ass US Open

the first two things are legitimate news but the 3rd is what makes the NSM a joke. The US Open is the least important sporting event in the last week besides whatever the Europeans have been doing that involves a zebra ball. No one outside of the NSM cares about golf as a "sport." I enjoy golf it's just not a sport, it's a game like tennis or bowling. The more that ESPN and the like cover golf the more I dislike and ignore them.

3. The LSU Tigers are my pick to win the CWS. I love the CWS my family lives in Omaha and I used to go all the time, I'll go next year hopefully. Just thought I'd throw that in there

4. My picks for the MLB post-season:

5. I have been called a racist recently because of my distaste for #51. But it is not racism that fuels my hatred it is lack of leadership. The people who pull the race card when it comes to this issue are just plain immature. They can't handle someone challenging their notions that he is the face of Seattle baseball and the future of the club. But these notions need to be shattered. Ichiro is not the future he is the past, he offers no leadership and more attitude than TO (TO still plays hard when he's sounding off). If you are going to pull the race card then pull it on Robert Byrd or Bill Clinton not people who want to replace a guy from Japan for a guy named Griffey. C'mon people!

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